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Taiwan Grand Prix International Ballet Competition


這是創辦人 王國年老師獻給所有懷抱夢想的台灣芭蕾人
還有永遠流著芭蕾熱血的監察人 姚明麗老師 以及裁判長 Mr. Martin Fredmann 的比賽

Taiwan Grand Prix 2016年起正式成為國際比賽


Taiwan Grand Prix 是台灣第一個提供國際芭蕾學校獎助學金與入學資格的國際古典芭蕾比賽
也是第一個邀請活躍於各國際芭蕾大賽:洛桑芭蕾大賽,瓦爾那國際芭蕾大賽, 美國YAGP紐約決賽,古巴國際芭蕾大賽,

Taiwan international ballet association is the first civil organizer for promoting Classical ballet in Taiwan, It fulfills its mission of dance education through scholarship auditions, master classes, educational and outreach activities, performances and organizing competitions. Taiwan Grand Prix International Ballet Competition (TGPIBC) is the first international ballet competition from Taiwan provided international ballet school admission and scholarships form 2013. Participant is given an opportunity to compete for admission and scholarships from the United States, Canada, Germany, Austria, Portugal and over 16 international ballet school. Over the past 5 years, TGPIBC has awarded 168 alumni over USD$1,700,000 in scholarships to the world’s leading dance schools TGPIBC invite judges from various international ballet competitions: Prix de Lausanne Ballet Competition, Varna International Ballet Competition, New York, United States YAGP finals, Cuban International Ballet Competition, the US International Ballet Competition, the New York International Ballet Competition, Beijing International Ballet Competition, Japan Ballet Competition to join the festivities.



提供12所以上來自世界各地名校入學的機會與職業舞團實習生資格 ,共有90位得獎人取得國際舞台的入場卷,累計3千萬以上的獎助學金




Taiwan Grand Prix 開始邀請國際職業舞者一同參與得獎者演出gala與座談分享經驗,親身的觀摩是對學習者最好的學習與鼓勵


2014 嘉賓


黃子嘉 (美國亞利桑納芭蕾舞團首席舞者)Miko Fogarty(英國伯明罕芭蕾舞團)梁世懷(韓國環球芭蕾舞團)


2015 嘉賓


MIKO FOGARTY (英國伯明罕芭蕾舞團,莫斯科芭蕾大賽金牌,瓦爾納芭蕾大賽銀牌,洛桑大賽-獎項得主)
Miguel Duarte(NDT 2 ,2015 瑞士洛桑芭蕾大賽雙料得主-
2015 Prix de Lausanne Prize Winner -Miguel Pinheiro , OAK Fundation 大獎與Contemporary dance prize現代舞獎 )


2016 嘉賓


Shohei Horiuchi 堀内將平  K-BALLET COMPANY Artist 


粉絲專頁的各項即時訊息  https://www.facebook.com/ballet.tgp/
TGP 微博 http://weibo.com/u/5725808282

Organizer│Taiwan international ballet association
協辦單位:Japan Grand Prix

the Ailey School
Canada's National Ballet School
The Harid Conservatory
John Cranko Schule-Stuttgart Ballet, Germany,
National Conservatory Dance School Lisbon
School of the Hamburg Ballet John Neumeier
Gelsey Kirkland Academy, USA
Pittsburg Ballet Theatre School, USA
Boston Ballet School, USA
San Francisco Ballet School, USA
Ballet Academy of The Vienna State Opera